The Act As If workshop is an exercise in opening the mind to possibility and change. Creating a bridge of consciousness from the life you are living to the life you desire. An exploration of the thoughts and beliefs that are limiting you in your life experience and the manifestation of your dreams.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Life is a story!

What if I were to tell you that our life is a story and we are the author. We can write it any way we want. Our lives, up until now are based on random thoughts which cause random experiences. Trained thought is more powerful than untrained thought.

What do you want? You are the co-creator of your life. Everything you are experiencing right now today is from thoughts and beliefs of yesterday. Can you have the life of your dreams? I say yes! How would you feel if from this moment on you can choose to write your story the way you want it!?

We all have our story. It’s up to us to decide what we want to do with it. We can let it take us down and cause us to be miserable or we can choose differently. I choose to have the life of my dreams. I choose to be the author of my own story.

I have lived a very incredible life. I have had experiences and situations that could cause me to loose faith.

My adventurous life started when I was six years old laying on the floor of an 82 ft yacht in Peru with a machine gun pointed to my back.( You will have to wait until my movie to hear that story)

I was diagnosed with an incurable disease; I went through a bitter, painful divorce, bankruptcy and foreclosure. I have my story and I know I can choose to write it differently. In fairy tales there is always a happy ending. It starts off dramatic and filled with drama. At the end there is a happy ending. The writer chooses the destiny of all of the characters.

We are in our own movie. You are the star, director, producer and best of all the writer.

Get a journal and start to write your story. What does your perfect life look like? What does it feel like?

Act as if you are already living the life of your dreams. Focus on what you want. Turn your attention away from what you don’t want.

We can have the life of our dreams, it is up to us!!!!!!

Have an amazing, adventurous, exciting, beautiful, life Changing Day!

(I am an act as if…change your life coach. Do you need some help writing your story?)


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